4500 hours | 180 ECTS
Tuition cost:
5,000 EUR

Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies

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Arts & Humanities
Fully Online
Student education requirement
High School
Standard length
36 months
Standard delivery length
36 months
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\ Overview

The programme helps students to develop skills required to engage in an interdisciplinary world. They will construct a diverse background from which they will learn how to draw on multiple disciplines to find innovative solutions to current problems. Students will develop competence in integrating perspectives from a variety of disciplines and refine transferable skills in critical thinking, synthesis and research. Students also have the opportunity to engage with more topics than they would in other specialised degree programs.

300 hours | 12 ECTS
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Applied Ethics
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Reading for Knowledge
150 hours | 6 ECTS
Global Humanities
150 hours | 6 ECTS
Introductory Philosophy
150 hours | 6 ECTS
Comprehensive Exams
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Digital Research Methods
150 hours | 6 ECTS
Academic Writing
75 hours | 3 ECTS
BA Thesis Proposal
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Innovations & Paradigms
150 hours | 6 ECTS
Art in Society
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Religion & Power
150 hours | 6 ECTS
Social Collaboration
150 hours | 6 ECTS
Ideas & Figures in Western Intellectual History
150 hours | 6 ECTS
Comprehensive Exams
300 hours | 12 ECTS
150 hours | 6 ECTS
BA Thesis Defence
75 hours | 3 ECTS
BA Thesis Writing & Defence Prep
150 hours | 6 ECTS
BA Research
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Research Methods
150 hours | 6 ECTS
Creating History
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Social & Environmental Justice
150 hours | 6 ECTS
Comprehensive Exams
300 hours | 12 ECTS
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Geology & Site Interpretation
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Wildlife & Habitat Management
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Forest Ecology & Management
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Overview of Biosystems Engineering
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Energy, Society, & Sustainability
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Travel Narratives and Frontier Literature
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Fiction & Creative Nonfiction
75 hours | 3 ECTS
English Literary Classics
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Gender & Literature
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Epistemology & Ontology: What Is Thinkable?
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Philosophy as a Way of Life: What Is Doable?
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Post-Kantian Philosophy & the Problems of Autonomy
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Contemporary Continental Philosophy
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Medieval Philosophy & the Birth of Institutions
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Wetland Identification & Management
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Sustainable Supply Chain Management
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Poetry of Place
75 hours | 3 ECTS
The Future of Philosophy: New Problems of Autonomy
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Management Paradigms
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Modern Storytelling & the Oral Tradition
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Twenty-First Century Structures & Institutions
150 hours | 6 ECTS
Ideas & Figures in Western Intellectual History
75 hours | 3 ECTS
World Literature
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Early Modern Philosophy & the Search for Subject
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Literature & the Political
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Communicating Science
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Agriculture & Society
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Natural Resources Economics
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Travel Narratives and Frontier Literature
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Fiction & Creative Nonfiction
75 hours | 3 ECTS
English Literary Classics
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Gender & Literature
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Poetry of Place
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Modern Storytelling & the Oral Tradition
75 hours | 3 ECTS
World Literature
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Literature & the Political
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Epistemology & Ontology: What Is Thinkable?
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Philosophy as a Way of Life: What Is Doable?
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Post-Kantian Philosophy & the Problems of Autonomy
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Contemporary Continental Philosophy
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Medieval Philosophy & the Birth of Institutions
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Early Modern Philosophy & the Search for Subject
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Twenty-First Century Structures & Institutions
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Geology & Site Interpretation
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Wildlife & Habitat Management
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Forest Ecology & Management
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Overview of Biosystems Engineering
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Energy, Society, & Sustainability
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Communicating Science
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Wetland Identification & Management
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Sustainable Supply Chain Management
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Agriculture & Society
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Management Paradigms
75 hours | 3 ECTS
Natural Resources Economics

\ Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge acquired by the learner at the end of the course:
a) Demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of dominant epistemologies, ontologies, and phenomenologies of various interdisciplinary areas b) Demonstrate and apply specialised knowledge of interdisciplinary ideologies and their impact on diverse communities c) Analyse the societal, regulatory, and interdisciplinary contexts related to the concepts of philosophy, literature, and society. d) Apply knowledge of global interdisciplinary issues to inform the study of historical and contemporary issues e) Display original thinking on the basis of the knowledge they gain in the course
Skills acquired by the learner at the end of the course:
a) Develop innovative and multi-disciplinary problem-solving skills. b) Communicate complex ideas clearly and unambiguously to specialised and non-specialised audiences. c) Develop abilities related to interdisciplinary studies and implement them in response to changing environments. d) Critically evaluate alternative approaches through research and study on the basis of academic scholarship and case studies, demonstrating reflection on social and ethical responsibilities. e) Formulate ideas and solutions despite incomplete information by integrating knowledge and approaches from diverse domains including anthropology, ethnography, and sociology. f) Enquire critically into the theoretical strategies for addressing a variety of contemporary social issues g) Develop new skills in response to emerging knowledge and techniques and demonstrate leadership skills and innovation in complex and unpredictable contexts.
Competencies acquired by the learner at the end of the course:
Competencies are listed course wise.

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